Zitrón contributes to reversing the impact of land degradation by planting its first forest in Asturias
The Asturian company, Zitrón, whose global footprint spans more than 80 countries, will plant 365 native trees in Niembro (Llanes) before the end of the year, as part of an initiative to restore the area’s ecosystem, an action that will reduce CO2 emissions by nearly 150 tonnes.
Gijón (Asturias), 9 November 2021. – As part of the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability, Zitrón is launching an exciting initiative aimed at supporting the fight against climate change, by helping to put an end to deforestation and to compensate for CO2 emissions.

With the aim of revitalising areas affected by land degradation, Zitrón is joining forces with Bosquia Nature to plant its first corporate forest in Asturias. Bosquia Nature is a recently created collective reforestation company, which has among its goals the regeneration of ecosystems through forest recovery, studying degraded areas that need this type of action and reaching agreements with companies and municipalities to share commitment and to work for recovery environmental.
The signing of the agreement between Zitrón and Bosquia Nature (Macarena Fernandez-Escandón, Deputy Director of Zitrón and Francisco del Cid, CEO/Founder of Bosquia Nature)
Zitron’s forest will be made up of 365 native trees that Bosquia has selected based on a previous forestry study that identified the ideal species for this environment and that will be grown from alveoli plantings. This type of planting ensures that the trees will take root and will grow with the same attributes as they would in the natural environment, thereby contributing to recovering the natural ecosystem of the degraded land.
The town council of Llanes, which is also committed to improving the ecosystems and the environment of the municipality, is an essential part of this initiative through which the flora and fauna around Torimbia Beach (Niembro) will be improved.
This initiative on the part of Zitrón and its partners will result in the reduction of nearly 150 tonnes of CO2 emissions thanks to the absorption capacity of these trees, which will over time create a new natural space that will bring life and oxygen to the environment. The chosen woodland area will comprise species such as ligustrus, aladiernos, holm oaks, strawberry trees, chestnut trees and oaks. Bosquia Nature will be responsible for ensuring that the trees take root and grow correctly.
Through this reforestation initiative, Zitrón reinforces its commitment to corporate social responsibility and to the environment, helps to recover the Niembro area and makes other companies and workers aware of the importance for our way of life of recovering and caring for the wild spaces that surround us.